You ‘Occupy’ people and supports of said people need to step back and think.
First. You more of what “Wall Street” has. Do you realize that? You want:
1. More money
2. More exemptions and special treatment from the US government
3. Handouts from the government that you will use to benefit yourself
So should we who think that the government should not be handing out money to people and industry sit on your lawn? Or front stoop. Or cardboard box?
You’re desire to be a follower, to blindly be led around by the nose has resulted in your physical presence and your loud mouths being used by people who are not looking out for your best interest.
Are you really a socialist? If not, why are you rubbing arms with them and spouting out anti-capitalism propaganda? Here are some ‘highlights’ of socialism:
- State socialism allows major industries to be publicly owned and operated
- Translated: Banks, manufacturing, software developers, etc will be ‘publicly owned and operated.’
- “publicly” = the federal government
- Services and support to citizens would be dictated by the government
- Healthcare will be given to those deemed ‘worth’ receiving it
- this means rationing healthcare, fewer doctors, almost zero choice
- those with ‘choice’ will be the ones in the government who are making the most money and can afford it off the books
- Wealth redistribution, property rules
- your right to earn and keep your earnings and property will be determined by the government
- the government sets how much they think you should make
- the government decides who can own property
- many times socialist governments will tax property owners so greatly that they will have to default on their property.
Lets look at a few things:
1. people are losing their houses
2. the foreclosed houses are weighing heavily on the banks’ bottom line
3. so banks end up needing the government to help them deal with the defaulted loans and all the property
4. the government ends up controlling the banks and/or the properties
5. eminent domain is becoming the rule not the exception, and not for things that are of true benefit to the public good, but for malls and other things of that nature.
The right to try and succeed (and fail) at business, the ability to acquire property (and loans for it if you qualify (meaning you can pay it back)), and the right to decide what happens with the money you earn are some of the fundamentals that our country was founded on.
The unfair and racially motivated restrictions HAVE BEEN ELIMINATED (our ability to elect a representative government has allowed the rules to evolve towards FAIRNESS).
The big businesses have taken advantage of loopholes that have been put in place by elected governmental representatives. The companies had no vote, the people we elected (if you bother voting) did it. These are why they exist, NOT because Lehman Brothers writes and approves legislation. If they have that influence, it is due to our poor choice in who we elect and their lack of strength and character.
You want to occupy something, read about your candidates, participate in town halls, write your legislators, and then occupy the voting booth. If you do not do your civic duty when it comes to elections then you have no right to complain about it.
Educate yourself, do not vote party lines, do not vote based off a voting guide from your union or some PAC, research it yourself.
If you want to fix the system, then you need to spend time learning about the system and those who wish to be a part of it.